A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

It's a 1v1 2 player casual king of the hill competition. Knock the other person off to score a point, 2 points to win a round!
Getting on a white bubble will let you fly for a limited time, face up or down to fly up/down. Shooting a white bubble can make it run out of time faster. Wet ground is slippery.

* WASD, Space to Jump, Shift to dash, left click fire bubble, right click fire big bubble
* R to quit to the menu
* DPAD/Control stick to move, XB A/PS X to jump, XB X/PS Square to dash
* Right Bumper/Trigger to fire bubble, Left Bumper/Trigger to fire big bubble
* Select/Back to quit to the menu

Made for the ICT Game Jam Winter 2025/Global Game Jam


KingOfTheBubble_windows_postjam.zip 30 MB
KingOfTheBubble_linux_postjam.zip 25 MB

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